André Lametti





Head and Neck/Endocrine Clinical Fellowship
University of Pittsburgh, Pittsburgh, PA.

(in progress)

Area of Focused Competency in Cytopathology
McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC.
Combined programme with final year of Pathology Residency

(in progress)

Postgraduate Medical Residency — Diagnostic and Molecular (Anatomical) Pathology
McGill University Health Centre, Montréal, QC.


Doctor of Medicine, Master of Surgery, Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences
McGill University, Montréal, QC. Dean’s Honour List (2017, 2018, 2019, 2020). Wood Gold Medal.


Medicine Preparatory Year, Faculty of Science
McGill University, Montréal, QC. Dean’s Honour List (2016)



Characterization of HER2-Altered Colorectal Carcinomas in North American Patients: A Case-Control Study of Clinicopathologic and Molecular Features of HER2-Amplified and HER2-Mutated Colorectal Carcinomas Compared to their HER2-Wild-Type Counterparts.
Principal Investigator: Greta Evaristo, MD
This study aims to explore the landscape of HER2 alterations in colorectal carcinoma. I am participating in the study design, data collection, and analysis.


A Clinicopathological and Artificial Intelligence-Derived Screening Model as a Tool for Distinguishing Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas from Inflammatory Hepatic Diseases: A Multicentric Learning Approach
Principal Investigator: Greta Evaristo, MD
I am contributing to the design and implementation of artificial intelligence applied to digital pathology slides. This project targets a difficult clinical differential diagnosis in the clinical practice of medical liver pathology.


Lametti A, Pichette É, et al. Quantification of pathologically assessed lymph node area in lung cancer resection using deep learning. doi:10.1016/j.jtho.2023.09.103
Principal Investigator: Pierre-Olivier Fiset, MD PhD
This project uses deep learning to explore novel prognostic variables in lung carcinoma resections using computer assessment of resected lymph nodes.


Sorin M, … Lametti A, et al. Next-generation sequencing of non-small cell lung cancer at a Quebec health care cancer centre. Cancer Treatment and Research Communications. 2023;35:100696. doi:10.1016/j.ctarc.2023.100696
Prinicipal Investigator: Pierre-Olivier Fiset, MD PhD
I have collaborated in the data collection and organization in this project that seeks to report and correlate driver mutations in lung adenocarcinoma with demographic variables and clinical outcomes in a large patient cohort.


Cayrol R, Khellaf A, Lametti A, et al. Canadian Association of Neuropathologists 2023 Diagnostic Case Studies: Case #10. [available online]
Prinicipal Investigator: Romain Cayrol, MD PhD
This presentation at a Canadian neuropathology conference was based on a case presentation I delivered to the conjoint Université de Montréal-McGill University histopathology seminar series.


Perera DJ, Domenech P, Babuadze GG, … Lametti A et al. BCG administration promotes the long-term protection afforded by a single-dose intranasal adenovirus-based SARS-CoV-2 vaccine. iScience. 2023;26(9). doi:10.1016/j.isci.2023.107612
Principal Investigator: Momar Ndao, PhD
I collaborated on this translational research project by scoring the extent of lung injury in knockout mice exposed to SARS-CoV-2 using a multi-variable semiquantitative scale.


Lametti A, Bryan C, “Hippocrates, First Aphorism of, William Osler and”, encyclopedia article in Bryan CS. Sir William Osler: An Encyclopedia. Jeremy Norman (publisher); Novato, California. 2020. ISBN 9780930405915
This article is adapted from previous research and original translation of a 15th century manuscript held by the Osler Library of the History of Medicine, Montréal, QC.


Lametti A. Ars uero longa: Teaching Hippocrates in Medieval Italy. Research essay for the Pam and Rolando del Maestro Sir William Osler Medical Student Essay Contest [online]. Supervisor: Faith Wallis. Awarded 1st place. Abstract accepted for the 49th annual meeting of the American Osler Society. Presentation delivered to the plenary of the American Osler Society May 14, 2018, Pittsburgh, PA.

Quality Improvement and Code


Lametti A. AFC-Cytopathology: A Web-Based Case Log.
[Codeberg repository]. Release version
This web-based PHP and JavaScript interface allows easy tracking of cases seen during AFC-Cytopathology training, and automatically generates reports without patient identifiers in the formatting required by the Royal College for the trainee portfolio. It is licensed under the GNU GPLv3 and can be freely reused with minimal setup.


Relationship of lung nodule microlobulation on CT and malignant potential.
Principal Investigator: Geneviève Belley, MD
I have contributed photomicrographs of representative lung lesions sampled in this project.


External correlation of in-house molecular testing in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.
Principal Investigator: Chelsea Maedler-Kron, MD
This single-centre quality improvement project sought to identify undetected targetable fusions in intrahepatic cholangiocarcinoma.



“A Clinicopathological and Artificial Intelligence-Derived Screening Model as a Tool for Distinguishing Patients with Non-Hodgkin Lymphomas from Inflammatory Hepatic Diseases: A Multicentric Learning Approach.”
Oral presentation, 2024 Finlayson Research Day, McGill University, Montréal, Canada.


“Quantification Of Pathologically Assessed Lymph Node Area In Lung Cancer Resection Using Deep Learning”.

Feb 2021

“Perspectives on Sir William Osler in the 21st century”, presenter and panelist, Department of Social Studies of Medicine, McGill University.
This symposium gathered an international panel of physicians and historians to examine the contemporary treatment of Sir William Osler’s life and legacy.



Resident of the Year, McGill University Anatomical Pathology Residency Programme.
Awarded to one resident annually, as selected by the faculty members of the Department of Pathology.


Wood Gold Medal, McGill University.
Graduation medal awarded for the most outstanding clinical performance achieved by a student in the Clerkship Period.


Samuel Wigdor Scholarship in Medicine, McGill University.
For academic merit.


Pam and Rolando del Maestro Sir William Osler Medical Student Essay Contest, McGill University
First place.


Dr. Clarke K. McLeod Memorial Scholarship, McGill University.
For academic merit.


J. W. McConnell Award, McGill University. For academic merit.



Small Group Tutor, Undergraduate Medical Education, McGill Faculty of Medicine.
I have tutored small group teaching session to first and second-year medical students in various topics of pathology and pathophysiology, as well as assessed presentations by students on pathology cases.


Anatomy Laboratory Course Assistant (INDS 114/115), McGill Department of Anatomy.
Supervisor: Geoffroy Noël. Tasks included practical instruction and demonstration of abdominal anatomy to first-year medical students in the setting of the cadaveric anatomy laboratory. Participation in 4 sessions for each course section covering gastrointestinal, hepatobiliary, renal and abdominal wall anatomy.

Leadership and committees


Director responsible for Academic Affairs – Specialties, Fédération des médecins résidents du Québec (FMRQ).
In this role, I sit on the Board of Directors of the FMRQ, the federation of all four resident physician unions in Québec. My specific areas of responsibility include developing FMRQ policy regarding all aspects of residency education and advocating to a variety of stakeholders on behalf of the FMRQ’S some 4000 members.


Co-Chief Resident, McGill Anatomical Pathology Residency Programme.
I have served two consecutive terms in this elected position that involves representation of all the residents in the Anatomical Pathology programme, as well as organization of Academic Half-Day and teaching sessions, call scheduling, dispute resolution, as well as liaison with all actors of the Pathology department and laboratory.
In this role, I supervised the elective rotations of 25 clerkship students and participated in two iterations of the CaRMS selection process for residents as a file reviewer and interviewer. This position is remunerated.


Vice-President, Pedagogical Affairs (specialties), Association of Residents of McGill (ARM).
This position on the Board of Directors and Executive Committee of McGill’s resident union also entails ex officio membership on the Pedagogical Affairs Committee (specialties) of the Québec Federation of Medical Residents (FMRQ).
In this role, I have represented the ARM and FMRQ in interactions with health establishments, universities, the Collège des médecins du Québec and the Royal College of Physicians and Surgeons of Canada. This position is remunerated.
Notable committees I participated in via this role include:


Surveyor, External Accreditation of Residency Programmes. I participated as the resident member of surveying teams for four external reviews of residency programmes at McGill University and Université de Montréal, and contributed to the production of accreditation reports.


Member, Advisory Committee for the Selection of the VP (Health Affairs) and Dean of the Faculty of Medicine & Health Sciences, McGill University.
This committee is mandated to identify candidates for these senior academic and administrative positions, and to recommend a shortlist to McGill’s Board of Governors. Participation in elaboration of position profile, file review, multiple rounds of interviews, and deliberations.


Member, Ad hoc Appeal Committees (resident dismissal and rotation evaluation), McGill University.
These ad hoc committee are formed to hear appeals by residents of promotions decisions ranging from dismissal to unsatisfactory rotation evaluations. I have participated in several as either the voting resident member or as an advisor to the appellant.


Member, “Commemoration and Naming Task Force” and “Commemoration and Naming Ad Hoc Committee”, McGill Faculty of Medicine and Health Sciences.
These committees within the Faculty of Medicine and Heatlh Sciences undertook a review of naming practices through the lens of equity and commemoration.


Speaker of the General Assembly, McGill Medical Students’ Society (MSS).
I have presided over regular and extraordinary general assemblies of the MSS, its highest deliberative body.


Member of the Board, Médecins québécois pour le régime public (MQRP).
MQRP is an association of physicians advocating for an accessible universal health care system in Québec.


Fellow of the University Senate, McGill University.
Elected for two one-year terms to one of 13 student seats, representing over 24000 undergraduate students at McGill University. The McGill Senate is the University’s highest collegial academic body and is chaired by the Principal.
Senate committees: